
Father’s Day! I spoke to the children about fathers because this is probably the #1 pain in EVERY child at Casa: The lack of a father’s love. I spoke of forgiving the person who gave them life because at least they did that lost. Then I asked the children who said they needed to forgive their fathers to come forward & I would hug them if they desired that. They did so I did!!

Three of the teenage boys are using their own money working for Dottie & from their sponsors to host a party for the boys in the baby dorm. I am the most blessed father on earth.


Fatherhood is under attack. We have entered into a world where men have failed miserably in their duties as fathers. Male leadership is being destroyed. And in a world of terrorism, sexual deviation, devorce and many other sins and fears the number one problem is that men refuse to be men. Too many men do not want responsibility.

Frightenly the sins of the fathers will not fully manifest themselves in their own children. Th Bible says that the sins of the fathers will appear upon the children of the 3rd and 4th generations. Down the road the world is going to pay dearly for the failures we, as fathers, have committed today.

The Book of Proverbs is loaded with instructions to fathers as to how a father is to raise his son. We are to teach wisdom. You must read Proverbs to get the correct instructions to pass along to your children.

On this particular holiday, Father’s Day, I have so many members of my father, my grandfather(one grandfather was shot to death beofre I was born) and my father-in-law. The memories are mixed as I loved them all so much and miss them so very, very much also. I only wish they would have been taught about Jesus when they were young(my father and grandfather) so they could have led me in wisdom as to how to be a godly husband and father. It would have made things so much easier. I miss them very much.

I hope I have done a better job although I also know I have fallen short.