How to be happy
The Woodlands, Tx team arrived. The women will stay at Casa and the men will work in a village. I was able to share part of my testimony with the men for the first time in all of these year.
Tim’s surgery was done. We will have to wait for the results.
Estella & her family are visiting from Tennessee & she gave her wonderful testimony last night. Gladys gave hers to a team & tears flowed everywhere.

I Corinthians 13:13 “Now abideth faith, hope and love”. God makes everything so very simple if we would just listen and obey. He wants us to be happy and I believe we can see it in this verse. Three things are mentioned of course.
First you cannot live in fear. We must walk in faith and trust Him as we fce the daily pressures. Believing His Word is the first step of faith. I know where my eternity lies. As a born again child of God eternity will be spent in heavenly bliss. No more tears or fers.
Secondly I am told to hope. Discouragement wil steal your joy and peace. To wander through life without direction certainly does not allow us to walk in happiness. Disease, financial problems, broken relationships and the like will make happiness flee.
Finally He tells us to love if we are to experience happiness.