How to live in faith
Dr. Hines & his group brought more instruments & machines for our clinic so they helped kids all day. They even cooked crawfish for us. Dottie & the staff women went out to dinner elsewhere so I received Dottie’s share of the crawfish.
We will have a water baptism this Saturday.
We bought the tile so we will be laying floor tile in the hospital within a few days. God is awesome.

How is that we are to live by faith according to Galatians 3:11? “The JUST shall live by faith.” Hebrews tells me that faith is actually evidence of things we cannot even see. Sunday I shared with the children and the visitors that God tells us when we are obedient that goodness and mercy will follow us and that the blessings of God will overtake us as we are living our daily lives.
You and I need not seek the blessings of God. In fact, Jesus tells us the opposite when He says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and THINGS will follow you and eventually overtake you. So many decades ago I was an average athlete at Bunkie High School. I was not special just determined, stubborn and snake-like mean. In track and field I ran short distances. I did not run the 1/4 or 1/2 or full miles! Just sprints. But some times we would need a point or two to insure victory over an oppenent. My coach would say, “Just stay close and do not lose it for us”. He had no expectation I could win and neither did I,
In a district championship he asked if I would run the anchor on the 1/4 mile. I had already run a 100, a 200, two relays and the high jump. The first three runners left me in the led and I was marvelous for 350 yards at which time I could begin to hear the clop-clop of runners behind me. As we approached the final curve I could see the shoulders of another runner coming around me. I bore down but had little gas left! I went from galloping like a race horse to plodding like a mule.
The finish line appeared and I finished 5th but the 2 points for 5th place made us district champs by a point. I was a 5th place hero. But there is a deeper point in that for all of the last nearly 60 years I remember being “OVERTAKEN”. Now that may seem negative to you due to my story. But I found the secret” JUST FINISH!!!!
When I look at the unbelievable obstacles in front of me with the thousands of dollars needed to buy medicine, equip and pay staff for the dialysis hospital I remind myself to “Look straight at the finish line. Run your race with all diligence and let the blessings of God OVERTAKE YOU in the home stretch.”