I need more of it!
My secretary, Debbie, has problems getting 2 bags from Raleigh, NC to Concord, NC which is about 2 ½ hours distance. A team is coming July 9th & can bring them if we get them to Concord. If you can help us please call Debbie at 337 855 1286.
Today is Father’s day in Guatemala & everyone is being so kind. I shared my testimony with the Maryland & Oklahoma teams.
Due to the closure of another home we received 2 new teen boys today.

There is truly not anything on this earth I desire more than to have more compassion for others and their needs. We know that the Word of God tells us that we are always to consider others more important than we are ourselves. The bottom line is that I am a competetive person and not a compassionate enough one.
Don’t you like to think of yourself as a good and understanding Christian? So why do I live in a world that is filled with terrorism, death, disease, divorce, war and hatred? Why are so many people hungry and cold? Why do we have such hatred between religions or even churches in the same denomination? Why are so many people lonely? Why are so many torturing and murdering one another?
Yet, in the midst of all I just described, I ask you if it is possible to be compassionate in a world that is only noted for having competition! Compassion is the characteristic God wants us to possess so that He can send us wherever He desires us to go. He, Himself, shared in the brokenness, fears, confusions and pains. Jesus went where people were hurting and He wept with those who wept and suffered with those who suffered.
True compassion i more that kindness and soft-heartedness.