On my tombstone
The teams worked on various projects & one group went to Antigua.
I felt poorly so Dottie and I took 2 hours “off” and then I rested & had my weekly father-daughter time with Doncilla girls.
Another Alabama team arrived yesterday.

A few years ago I was preaching on a Sunday morning when a child raised his hand to ask a question which I encourage them to do. However he threw me for a loop when he said “Papi what do you want us to write on your tombstone?” My first thought was “What are these children planning on doing to me?”
I did respond with these words telling them to write on my tombstone “HE WAS A MAN OF MERCY”. There are reasons for my love of mercy. God has been so merciful to me. How can I not forgive others when God has forgiven me of so much? I do not want JUSTICE. Justice is getting what I deserve. I deserve eternal punishment.
Here are a few reasons I love mercy and want to be merciful: Mercy is not judgmental. Mercy is patient.Mercy shows compassion. Mercy forgives and shows kindness.
The Mercy seat allows me to meet with God through prayer and worship.