Wait on the Lord
We had a local church come and provided games and snacks for all of the children.
Two of my older girls had male friends visit for me to “approve” as boyfriends.
The Woodlands had a program for the older girls while Dr. Hines’s team, Louisiana is delayed at the airport in Houston & will arrive tomorrow.

Discouragement can be deadly. We know that in a state of depression people have committed suicide, gone into rages that harm others, withdrwa from family or a dozen other reactions.
Isaiah 40 tells us to wait in the Lord and He will renew our strength. I have found when I am struggling with depression that remembering what God has already done for me helps in my recovery. He saved me by going to the cross. He called me to a wonderful ministry and He has given me a great wife and children.
When I recognize that the things I just mentioned above were done in the past does not mean that He is not still doing great things for me even now. I am so excited about the new dormitory being built and the hospital being constructed. He worked in my past but PTL He is working right now in my life.
Past, present and now future! I have an attitude that I will see my dream come true with the transition of Casa over the next few years and the opening of the hospital and ministering to hundreds of ill children. I cannot be discouraged or depressed when I think of what He has done, is doing and will do.