He loves me so I love you

Sindy II began having convulsions so Aroldo took her to the hospital. She is recovering is doing much better. So the is the second dialysis child in 10 days to have convulsions.

The wife of Sebastian, the director, is pregnant so another baby is on it’s way to Casa.

The youngest children in the baby dorm with Chad and Abby gathered and shared a verse and a version of Happy Birthday for me.

Tne baby dorm children wishing me a happy birthday

Tne baby dorm children wishing me a happy birthday


I John 4:7-8 “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God , and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love”.

As I continue to see the news daily talking of protests and violence I cannot help thinking that where is the love of God in the children of God? This hatred for others is like a fast killing cancer. There is a connection between God’s love for me and my love for others. When we receive Jesus we receive a new living heart that rids us of the dead stoney heart.

When I got saved my nature should have changed. I should love those who God loves and hate what God hates. Instead of praying for others and telling them about Jesus too many Christians are building walls and hating their neighbors.

If you hate anyone it is a sign that God’s love is not in you. He specifically says in I John 4:8 that I do not know God if I hate anyone. He is not just filling space in a book He wrote. He is telling me that I need a heart checkup.

If I walk like a duck; quack like a duck and look like a duck then I must be a duck.

If I love those who God loves and walk in that love and talk in that language of love I must be a child of God.