He never asked…

My time with Vencedores is helping me to bond with them. I have missed having time with the children.

Andreas and Estella brought baby Natasha to visit her sponsor a well as spend the night with us.


Bible class
Bible class

Mark 12:29-31 ” Love your neighbor as yourself”. Jesus does not ask you and me to do something that He has not done Himsel. He also never asked us to do something that He would not do Himself.

Jesus totally loves me. He loves completely. Ineed to receive that love and return it to Him. From our deep and loving relationship with God we pass that love to those around us. All of us probably know the FEELING of love but not everyone knows the POWER the love.

That POWER is when we never give up in our quest to love others just as Christ never gave up me. I cannot and should not ever give up on another person. There is POWER in thtat type of love because it grabs hold to the other person and just loves them into the kingdom of God. You cannot lead them if you do not love them.

It takes the POWER of God’s love to make your love effective.