Inner peace #2
Keiser had hemodialysis and on the way home he had seizures so Jim rushed him back to the hospital.Two hours later he was fine so will just stay overnight for obervation.
Eleven of our high school students participated in a State Academic Olympics today. Results will come later.
The courts are making such unexplainable decisions. They send a child to a home for children with the decision that the child will be moved to any family member they can find. I cannot understand why or who comes up with this policy.
The department of health came and gave flu immunizations to every 18 and older as well as all he staff.
I was thinking that one way we could solve our lack of help would be for single young men whom we know who have visited Csa in the past would give a year as assistant house parents. Pray about it please.

Yesterday I shared that the first step towards inner peace is found in Isaiah 26:3 where we are told that God will give us peace. So inner peace is a gift from God.
Secondly the verse ends with “because he trusts in Thee”. so the second step to inner peace is trusting in God. Faith always comes up when we talkabout being a Christian. We get saved by faith. We walk by faith. We are told to live by faith. Everything comes to that place of trusting the Lord daily.
If you look at the circumstances or situations around you and get focused on them and the impossibilities they present you will lose that peace. Satan has a scheme where he makes you look at the world through his eyes and not the eyes of the Lord. What we see often just seems so huge we cannot overcome them. We cower and worry and have little faith and therefore very little inner peace.
God designed us to depend on Him for wisdom and guidance. That means we must trust the Lord to give us the wisdom to make the correct decisions and the guidance we need to be useful to Him as well as though entrusted to us.
To be continued