Old Age #1

I always enjoy sharing with Brother Teddie’s teams.

The discipleship team of Ezdras, Gladys, Adam and Jim will take 11 boys Saturday and 10 girls Sunday for special discipleship training.

Today was a game day at the school since they finished 3rd semester finals yesterday.

Our Korean friend who is from California but ministering here in Guatemala (He is 80 years old) stopped by with a team.


The view while I was preaching at Brother Teddie's
The view while I was preaching at Brother Teddie’s near our home

Old age! Psalms 71:18 says, “Now when I am old and greyheaded. O God forget me not; until I have shown thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come.”

This truly is my life scripture as I move towards the finish line of the race God called me to run. I am not leaving soon I hope but I want to have things in order. It is possible I may hit 90 or even over that. But I love this chapter in the Bible and especially this verse. In fact, it means as much to me as does Micah 7:8 “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy for when I fall I shall arise”.  These two verses are the shoes I walk in or on everyday.

Psalm 71 is the writing of a man who wants to finish well. He is not ready to sit and retire. He wants to continue to influence the next generation. He wants to focus on the permanent and not the temporary. See Psalms 73:25. We live in bodies that will wear away and at some point we will fly away.

As we share this Psalm over the next few days I want you to realize that no matter how old you are God expects that we all leave a legacy to the generations following in our steps.