Old age #2

Billy and Olga took their dorm of older girls to a sports complex to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

The Vencedores boys (60 of them) laid hands and prayed for me this morning.

Various size teams arrived from Texas, Alabama and North Carolina arrived.

I signed unification on 6 pieces of property & next week we will add the school and football field areas to it and unify that. Within a few months we should have 15 pieces on only 4 titles. Much easier for taxes!

There is nothing like winning
There is nothing like winning

Read Psalms 71:18 and Micah 7:8

If my memory serves me well it was one-half century ago that Dottie and I left Louisiana to drive to Bakersfield, California to begin a new life. She was pregnant with our first child and a few months later that child would be born. Michelle was severely mentally retarded and had an endocardio cushion heart defect that took her life at 11 months of age.

Bakersfield seemed to be one million miles from Lou1siana and I missed my father. As Psalm 71 indicates we should reach an age of homesickness. I remember seeing my Dad in the rearview mirror when we first left for California. Recently as we are working diligently for the transition I seem to get more and more homesick to see my heavenly Father.

I believe God has placed a desire for heaven in our hearts. I believe heaven is where God first thought of me. I believe that heaven is where my Savior is awaiting me. I believe that heaven is a place of constant worship. I believe that heaven will have no pain nor tears nor regrets.

As Paul said, “I want to go home but it is best for me to wait a while” and that is my sentiments. Old age can be a joyous time if you stay occupied in the ministry God has given you.