Slow down

We dedicated Talin and Ingrid’s second child and prayed for him as he will have surgery tomorrow.

The neighbors had a baby who passed away last night.

Dedicating Oliver
Dedicating Oliver

Abraham did not always make the right decisions and at one point even passed his wife, Sarah, as his sister because he feared the king. Just like us there were times he struggled and doubted to completely obey God. We all know how that is. His lying about Sarah and his impregnating Hagar are two examples of how his actions  revealed what he truly believed.

But praise the Lord God did not give up on Abraham and actually began to correct him and teach him so that he would become the man of faith God desired him to be. It took a while but Abraham did become the man of faith.

Failing and falling as we walk this life is all too frequent. The key is to continue and push forward. Faith grows! As Christians we crawl before we walk and walk before we run. In 1989 I entered Guatemala filled with fear. I was not a man of faith. God gave our “home for children” one little boy and it was months later before He sent more children to us.

God is not in a hurry. I know that I am truly in a hurry at times and slowing down is just what I need. So He slows me down when I need it.