Doraty finished her internship as a physical therapist so today her boy friend, Ricardo, and all his family came to ask for her hand in marriage. The entire family is Christian.
We needed another dialysis machine and the Baxter representative came with it and was just blown away by the hospital construction.
I made a month’s worth of radio shows for KAJN.

Proverbs 24:10 says, “If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small.” Today a small boy was unconsolable even though the problem began with his own misbehavior. The devil loves to tell us that we are unloved, stupid and have no success in the future. One of our best older boys is graduating from high school this year and the way he arrived at Casa years ago was when his mother brought him to our gate, opened the car door, told him to get out and said “I do not love you. I never want to see you again. Maybe someone will adopt you.” How painful is that?
The marathon is 26.2 miles in length and a few years ago the winning time was 2 hours, 38 minutes. The winner received the normal acolades but the excitement and the most press was reserved for a man by the name of Bob Weedland. He crossed the finish line in 4 DAYS, 6 HOURS and 20 MINUTES. Why was this such great news?
He had both legs blown off in Viet Nam and he ran the 26.2 miles on his HANDS. And we give up so easily when we have a problem. Go to God’s Gym and build up your strength!