The Cow!!
The mechanical cow has arrived!
Dottie and I left at 3:30am for her eye appointment because there were peaceful protests and roadblocks beginning at 6am because of the lack of medicine in the government hospitals.
Brant and Kendra finished the plumbing in both the new dorm for little boys and the dialysis building. The teams just worked so hard to get the walls in so the plumbing could be finished as Brant and Kendra leave at 9pm for Louisiana.
Dottie had two injections in her eye and the test showed that the macular degeneration has not worsened. The only problem was we could not get back home until 2:30 so it was an 11 hour day before I returned home to handle a few things. And she has another appointment tomorrow morning so we are running our little feet as fast as we can.

I am sorry but I am too tired to write a lesson but I will make it up to you.