Answered prayers
Teams are cleaning around the two construction sites; making dividers for the bathrooms & continuing to having afternoon and evening activities for all of the children.
A Guatemalan school came and presented a program with the youngest children.
Volunteers and visitors bring joy to our children
I wish that the Lord would answer my prayers immediately or at least in a shorter passing of time. Of course, there have been times where God has answered my prayers very quickly. But for the most part there have been delays. I would be much more comfortable if He would just listen to my petition and send an angel immediately with the answer.
But God is not as interested in my being comfortable as He is in my being productive and fruitful. The sad thing about being fruitful is that whne you plant a pear seed you do not see pears for years. Since He has promised that as Christians He will hear us and answer us there must be a reason for the gap between asking and receiving.
When you read the Book of Job you notice right away that Job was a righteous man. He was not greedy or selfish or asking for what was not necessary. Yet he suffered and suffered for what appeared to not be any reason at all. His wife even thought that Job might as well die since he was going through such pain for no apparent reason.
But God always has a reason for delaying answers to our prayers. Job’s own answer was was that “God has not afflicted me because He is displeased with me but because He has chosen to refine me and to lift me higher”. I need to learn that I am being changed day by day and I should not worry about my current situation but rest in the fact that the answer to my prayer is coming eventually.
Our “HAVE IT IMMEDIATELY” culture and “I WANT IT NOW” mentally makes it difficult to hold fast and wait on the Lord.