
Jessica and Andy became members of our board of directors today. Immediately Wes, our chairman, spoke to the staff and each staff member introduced themselves with a few words. Then we had the financial portion of our meeting & it went well & I feel better.

Today we were blessed to receive the documentation of accreditation for our school through 2020. So it was a good day! In fact, the water tank for our house was on the blink & it could not get me down.

Aroldo with the chairman, Wes
Aroldo with the chairman, Wes

Did you now that God has a companionship plan? He tells us that 2 are better than one. I think of the wonderful life that I have had with Dottie these many years. I also think of those in my life who have been friends that loved me in spite of knowing all about me.

The board over the years has been such a joy to associate with. Today with the addition of Andy and Jessica I felt such a peace with the way our board is taking Casa. It is called God’s One Another Plan.
1. LOVE ONE ANOTHER (John 13:34). Everyone need to give and receive love.

2. PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER (James 5:16) I can feel the prayers of people who pray for me daily.

3. FORBEAR ONE ANOTHER (Eph. 4:2). I know that you love me because you put up with me.

4. FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER (Col. 3:13). If we cannot forgive then we cannot live.

5. BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER (Eph. 4:32). Simply and plain–be kind in word and actions.

6. ADMONISH ONE ANOTHER (Rom. 15:14). I need you to help correct me in love

7. BEAR ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS (Gal. 6:2). I really have no idea how anyone puts up with me

8. EDIFY ONE ANOTHER (I Thess. 5:11). I know there are those who are lifting me up before the Lord.

9. COMFORT ONE ANOTHER (I Thess. 4:18). As we finished our meeting this evening I felt a peace that I have not felt in months.

I honestly believe that the board God has given me will perform the One Another Plan with Dottie, myself, our children and our staff.