I had a scare as my computer crashed & everything is in it. It took 5 of our guys three hours to restore it. But they did. Praise God.
CNA took pictures of every child & will return tomorrow to begin going through all of our files.
All across South Louisiana I have a sister in Baton Rouge, 3 children in Lafayette & a son, daughter and our offices in Lake Charles with heavy flooding all down I-10 and I-12. So we have been praying for our family.

I suppose the happiest day of my life was when I discovered that with Jesus all things are forgiven. Paul wrote in Romans 4:7, “Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven”.
Do you realize that forgiveness of your sins is complete in Jesus? I mean complete!! Once and for all my sins are gone! That is why Jesus yelled “It is finished” as He died. The work of God was complete and every person born into this world has the opportunity in Jesus to be forgiven completely and forever.
I was born of Calvis and Errol Clark so I will always be their natural son and they were my natural parents. But at 17 I was born again and I became a child of God. He is my spiritual Father and I am His son forever because His Son took my sins upon that cross.
We humans have trouble with forgiveness because we sometimes cannot forget. But Christ does not forgive me only. He forgets my sins and throws them as far as the East is from the West.