
I am so proud as Kevin has now passed the math, chemistry & physics portion of his medical school application. New he takes the biology test & WHEN he passes that he will be eligible for acceptance.

The board spent the entire day, an hour at a time, with different staff members getting to know them better and understand their needs.

Aroldo is taking a 4-day dialysis seminar. The weather is so very cold this year.

Important!! The airlines are charging $75 for a second bag. This will make it so difficult for us to get items from the US to Guatemala. Please do not send Christmas gifts to Debbie. If you want to help with Christmas for your sponsored child send cash and we will see the child gets a personal gift from you.

Kevin with his grades
Kevin with his grades

Wouldn’t it be nice if we just “grew up spiritually”? I know that my physical stature long ago reached the height that has now been 5’7” since my late teens. I will never be 6′. But with spiritual growth there is no stopping point. God does not set a limit won who we become in Christ.

I will grow spiritually if I obey God’s Word. He speaks of daily bread and as we take in His daily bread it adds spiriual weight to our inner man.

I have discovered that problems can bring about spiritual growth. Before injuring my back and having surgery Dottie and I would exercise daily. Running, lifting weights, etc. was truely adverse to my desires. But the push of problems upon you causes you to either give in or push back. By pushing back your muscles grow and you become lean, mean and a fighting machine. This is necessary because Christians are at war.

I will not grow spiritually healthy if I do not reject the desires of the flesh. Just like eating the wrong foods will cause your natural body to become weak and sickly so will the wrong spiritual activities. Pornography, laziness, pride, criticism and an entire list of negatives will prevent you from growing spiritually healthy.

It is these few ideas that if obeyed will allow you to grow spiritually healthy and reach your maximum potential.