One of the children just broke my heart last night and when I am depressed I make radio shows for KAJN. So I have shows all the way through the middle of January, 1917.
They have begun tiling the third floor of the dialysis dorm.
The teams had a VBS for all of the younger girls and games with the older girls in the evening.

Do you ever wonder who you honor the most? It is a struggle for me to not seek my own honor rather than the honor that comes from God. Self-glory or the seeking of man’s recognition makes faith difficult.The Pharisees lived for the applause of one another.John 7:18 says, “He that speaks of himself seeks his own glory”.
John 5:54 says, “How can you believe when you seek honor from men and seek not the honor that comes from the Father alone?” That is the question. How can I believe for something if I am doing it to bring recognition or applause to myself? I catch myself boasting or exaggerating about my life. That attitude hinders my faith.
I do not enjoy sports as I did years ago. If a player scored a touchdown he simply place the ball on the ground or in the hands of the referee. Today the player cuts a flip or makes some attempt to receive more honor than his teammates who blocked for him.
How about basketball where a beautiful shot becomes sickening as the player points at his opponent to humiliate him? Then there is the soccer star who runs all the way across the field to slide down and take off his shirt. They seek only the applause of man and they want it ALL!
Self-honor will eventually lead to humiliation and your faith will no longer be useful. Seek the honor that comes from Jesus Alone.