How many religions?
The board met with those on staff involved with the web site. In the afternoon Sebastian shared with the board what CNA is and then Dorcas shared with how we report to SAT(IRS). They did a wonderful job of describing their areas of labor. It has been an awesome two days with the board.
I felt ill most of the day so was not of any help at all.

Did you ever try to count the number of religions in the world? It is not that difficult. There are only two so you only need two fingers. #1 and #2. There is God’s religion and there is man’s religion. The end!!
All of man’s religions are built upon self-righteousness. Wes, our chairman, spoke to the staff Monday and to all of us the last two days enphasizing the word “Humility”. Man’s religion asks “What must I DO to be a good religious person?” But God’s child only asks “What can I do to serve the Lord I love?”
If you choose to depend on your own works to be religious then you are on the wrong side of the two religions. We must work not in order to be saved but because we are saved and we love the One who saved us.