My sisters

My sister, Virginia, in Baton Rouge has seen the water receding around her house but she is taking in friends who have had water damage in their homes. Pastor Mark in Patterson is sending teams and supplies there to help the families of their extended church congregation.

CNA took all of the photos of each child and today are going through each child’s folder which should have a psychology report, medical report, educational report, social services report and a dorm parent report. Our staff has worked for months to prepare for this day.

We received a 14 year old boy today.


A Gator near LSU and my sister's home
A Gator near LSU and my sister’s home


This weather has made me think of my family with Virginia, my sister, living in Baton Rouge south of I-10 and my sister, Charlotte, in Opelousas north of I-10. I day dream and sometimes even night dream about my childhood in Bunkie, Louisiana. Staying with my grandparents more than half of my years until high school graduation I had the joy of horses, tractors, picking cotton, baling hay, camping in the woods near a bayou and killing a snake a day to meet my quota.

But as much fun as I had with my grandparents it was my two sisters who gave me more laughs, teasing and just downright foolishness. We are aging now and I seldom see them due to living in Guatemala but they see each other often. I envy that.

God believes in famalies. He even calls all Christians the CHILDREN and FAMILY of God. Salvation is ADOPTION into His family. Christians are also referred to as BROTHERS and SISTERSĀ in the Lord. God, Himself, is our FATHER.

I did not choose my sisters. They were and are God’s gifts to me.