Old age #4

Yesterday while preaching I felt like I hit a wall. So I simply put shut off my power point and shared from my heart. Four teens came for salvation & later in the afternoon a 5th one came. It is nice when God interferes with our plans & His will gets done.

The teams are having carnival games for the younger girls dorms and a VBS for the baby dorm and then gams for Esperanza girls in the evening.

CNA came and went through our records and spoke with a number of children. That is always a stressful time for us.They were here 8 hours but they gave us the best report we have ever received in all these years. They do want us to hire another psychologist so that ups our expenses.

Fun with the visitors
Fun with the visitors

Psalms 71 says that as we age we should be more thankful as well as praise more.Looking back at my life I have no doubt that the Lord reached down into a central Louisiana family and at the same time reached down into a southern Arkansas family to put together for whom He had plans for them years later.

Neither Dottie nor I thought even after we were married that there was a ministry in front of us. Never would we have thought that Guatemala would be our home for the latter years of our lives.  Problems will strenghten you if you learn to be thankful and can praise Him in the midst of the fires and warfares. The older I get the more I want to praise.

It never stops! I hear people speak of retiement and wonder what that would be like. To just let go and hand this ministry to the children is so complicated even as much as I want to relax and just be a grandfather to my children in the USA and here in Guatemala. The young people who are in places of responsibility are doing well. There is still so much to do but most of the young people have great attitudes and desire to be successful.

For so many years I have led with my heart. I have tried to hear His voice and take a step in the direction He has indicated. How do you transfer a spiritual heart into another human being?  I have wanted to be a blessing to this generation and I desire that my children/grandchildren would be a blessing to the next generation.