Jessie made it home safely and will have surgery on August 11th so be praying for her.
We signed the paper work to unify the land on the Santiago side of our state. Soon we will do San Bartolome’. That will give us 4 titles instead of 17 and add three more people as owners so Casa property will always be used for ministry.
We had the same number of teams this summer but they were so much smaller. The visitors that come do help us so much. We are not as far along with the dialysis dorm & little boy’s dorm because we just lacked the help. Pray that God will increase our number of visitors. We are so grateful to those who come to serve Jesus & the children.

Do you ever worry? I do! Yes I know that I am supposed to believe at all times and stand in faith without wavering. But honestly I worry at times. In fact, I get sad and sometimes even feel some depression. Judge me if you want but I am 73 and have little time to play games and pretend.
I have no self-pity. That is a slimy pit I do not want to fall into. So I attempt to keep my eyes towards heaven and lifting my arms for my Heavenly Father to pull me up out of the pit. Truly I do not read of too many “great saints” in the Bible who did not get sad, worry or feel depression. There is not enough room here to write all their names. Some of those men and women are actually written in the Hall of Fame of Faith we read in Hebrews 11. The Bible is filled with dozens of stories of believers who came so near to the precipice of depression.
Ask me what my problem is! It is my MIND!! Although I have seen His faithfulness for 28 years here in Guatemala and provide more than any man could ever dream of I sometimes look at tomorrow and tremble. Matthew 6:34 says, “Do not worry about tomorrow”.
His grace is sufficient and with your prayers this battle can be won. Would you put me on your prayer list and hold me up daily. I know things are hard for everyone and we need to pray one for another. I appreciate you for the help you give and the love you have for the children. Pray that God would increase the size of the army of faithful Christians to help Casa.