An idea!
Our elementary school had special activities and tomorrow our seniors will begin their internships.
As I have aged I realize my physical body is slowing down. Dottie and I desire to no longer go to the USA in February & September for an entire month. Physically we drive too far & our bodies do not rest. What we want to do beginning in February, 2017 is go home 3 or 4 times a year for two week periods. That way we can go to one area & minister to 3 to 5 churches and not have to drive so far each week. Of course, we would need someone in different areas of the USA to coordinate those 3-5 churches.We will look at certain 2 weekend blocks of time & put it out there for you to pray about helping us.
The transition is going well although we do need house parents and maintenance personnel. When the dialysis building is complete we will need staff but that is down the road.
We had breakfast with Lee & Candy. It was a very special time. Then we did the final banking we need in place before we leave next week.
I had left the tub running. Water poured through the ceiling into the kitchen and our bathroom, bedroom and closet were covered with water. Thankfully Tony had a key to the bedroom and it was turned off before too much damage was done. However our kitchen ceiling and bedroom floor are damaged.
Sunday, September 11th we will be at Word of Life in Patterson, La. at 9:30am. In the evening at 5pm we will be at Pharr UMC in Morgan City. The following Wednesday, September 14th at 6pm at Wesley UMC in Sulphur, La.