Joshua #1

This is Independence week in Guatemala so the children are involved in parades(our marching band), sports(soccer and basketball for both male and female) beauty pageant, etc.

I do not want you to worry about my physical health. It is simply stress & mental pressure. The Holy Spirit will help me through this period of time.

We need maintenance personnel as well at least 2 sets of dorm parents.

A dress made of tin cans
A dress made of tin cans


There are many seconds-in-command or assistants in Biblical history as well as in living history who never arose to become the leader. (Name 10 vice-presidents who never became President). We saw that in the life of Aaron. But there was an assistant who did rise to become one of the greatest leaders in history. His name was Joshua.

He was born into slavery in Egypt. He fled with Moses and the people of God and he was at the Red sea and in the desert for 40 years. But the most important thing we learn is that he learned from the mouth of Moses Who God was and what God expected.

Moses hears from God to commission Aaron to replace him. The transition we are going through at Casa is Biblical. There is no doubt that Joshua was tested very early. After the Red Sea the Amalekites attacked the children of God and it was Joshua Moses sent to fight and bring victory for Israel. He was tested early in ministry.

Sebastian, Alex, Dorcas, Billy, Josue’, Ezdras, Gladys and Analy, etc as well as the young Guatemalan husbands and wives who are dorm parents are truly being tested. As we raise other leaders the battles will not get easier but if they stand together and the American staff and our supporters help with both prayer and bodily support there will be success. There is a Promised Land. But deserts are part of the highway we must travel.

To be continued.