Joshua #3

Our flights were delayed in Lake Charles & Dallas but we arrived almost on time. Thom & Shawna met us where we hooked up with their daughter for dinner and were at the cabin by 10pm. So it was a good day and I slept very well. Today is Independence Day in Guatemala so the children have been occupied all week with civil, academic and sports activities.


For me one of the greatest scriptures in the Word is “As I was with Moses so will I be with you” spoken to Joshua in the first chapter of Joshua. What a promise! God is not a respector of persons. He will use you and He will use me.

He tells Joshua that He will BE WITH HIM (1:2-5) and that He will GIVE HIM SUCCESS (1:6) and He will BE WITH HIM WHEREVER HE GOES(1:9). That should make your flesh tingle. What wonderful promises we have from His Word. God is with YOU and God will give YOU success and God will be there for you when it is the good times and when it is the bad times.

He was a faithful servant to Moses and God honored that. Just as Jonathan served David and Elisha served Elijah and just like —well you get the idea. Being second means you do not carry the entire load. ‘The Vice-president is a political eunich” said Harry Truman.

Not everyone knows your name or even your job description. But God does! And those who are faithful to serve as Daniel did or Joseph did will be rewarded and promoted by God. It does not work any other way. God promotes those who are faithful to serve.