Moses #4

Dottie and I have not yet rested. Satan just continues to attack.

But today we drove to Lafayette & visited with two of our daughters & their children.

Later we went to Patterson where we stayed at the Kidder’s, ate dinner with Pastor Mark & Julie. We are always anxious for the first church on a trip. Just excited to teach/preach/share in English which is my second tongue behind Cajun.

Jessie returned so the girls are happy in Esperanza upstairs.


Tomorrow I will tell you this story
Tomorrow I will tell you this story


The only man mentioned in the Bible as speaking to God face-to-face as a friend. It was in these conversations that God revealed to Moses who He really was. Remember Moses’s question “Who can I say that you are?” and God answered, “I am that I am”.

Our lives are always based upon our choices, willingness to change and desire to obey. Moses’s mother could have played it safe and allow the Egyptians to kill Moses but she chose to place him in the Nile. Moses could have chosen to ignore man’s inhumanity to man and simply turn the other cheek and lived a safe and prosperous life.

Being called of God does not mean doors and opportunities open quickly. It was 40 years after the Nile that Moses went to the desert and it was 40 years there before the Exodus became a reality. It would be another 40 years before the Promised Land.

I believe most marriages, businesses, ministries or churches that fail do so because they take a word from God and run towards to the goal without waiting for God to WALK with them. Do not be a runner—be a WALKER with God.