Rahab #1
Visited a long time with Thom. Then we did our walking and spent the evening in the Word. I am seeking direction as to the next phase of the transition.
Pastor Dave says he has had little response for graduation rings so if you are sponsoring a graduate or just desire to help please contact David Leese at Triumphantministries1@yahoo.com.
The first obstacle the Israelites encountered when they crossed the Jordan River was Jericho. Joshua sends two spies into the city but when it appears that they will be discovered a prostitute, Rahab, hides them because she believes they are of the True God.
She only asks that they remember her and her family when the Israelites conquer the great walled city. In life we all have choices to be made. They sometimes can be life or death choices such as when driving a car when an accident is looming. Rahab placed her faith in the God of Abraham.
The spies tell her to tie a scarlet ribbon in the window and to bring her family to that window when the battle begins. Her faith caused her to be obedient a it should with us.
God tells the army to march once around the city silently for 6 days and on the seventh day they walk seven times around the city and shout and we all know “Down came the walls of Jericho”. Every person within that city was slain except for one faithful, obedient woman and her family…………Rahab.
No on should die without having done all they could to see their family saved.