Samson #3

Dottie ate dinner with our hosts but I was not feeling well so I missed a great meal.

In over 50 years of ministry I have never gone this long without preaching. It is a very strange and even empty feeling. Dottie did a little shopping today and we were able to talk with Josue.

My media is not working so I cannot send a foto. I have to scroll for 4 minutes.

Dottie did a little shopping today and we were able to talk with Josue.

Our granddaughter, Roxie, has a severe infection in her kidneys so pray for her.

At the same time pray for Michelle who has lived with Tim & Patty for 10 years. She has a meeting with the judge next week. Tim feels confident that it will be a positive. So pray for her.

Also I received a very severe physical report about someone I love dearly. They also need our prayers.

Dottie and I visited Camp Defiance that is a civil war memorial and it was worth the look-see.

The children seeking more of God
The children seeking more of God


Abraham lacked the faith for God to provide a child in a miraculous way.                                                           Sarah laughed at the angels when they said she would have a child.                                                                  Isaac lied about his wife.                                                                                                                                     Moses committed murder.                                                                                                                                   Joshua had pride and did not pray before attempting to conquer Ai.                                                                      Rahab was a murderer.

Now we see Samson an adulterer.

The successful Christian is not the one who never fails. He is the one who fails, repents, gets up and follows the Lord.

However some, like Samson, never attain their status and usefulness for God. His hair did grow back but it takes a long time for that to happen. Restoration with God is not necessarily rapidly.

In fact, Samson was never restored to usefulness with God. He pushed the pillars and many Philistines died but that was the end for Samson also.

Sin carries a high price.