Saul #1

This was a cold, windy day so Dottie and I ventured out for only a couple of hours to visit an antique mall that had 200 booths. That was a bunch of old stuff. Of course they ere things Dottie and I used when we first married.

After more than two weeks of isolated cabin living it will be a shock to our old bones to get back to the more than 400 children and young people. I never knew how peaceful life can be after 27 years of raising a herd of children

The tribe of Gad
The tribe of Gad symbolizing the way the tents were set in the wilderness as Moses led them


A man very involved in the life of Samuel was Saul. He was the big guy with the handsome face and who carried himself like natural leader. The people had always had God as their King but they demanded from Samuel (Judge and High priest) that he give them a king.

He refuses but then God said, “Give them what they want. They have not rejected you, they have rejected me”. God is like that with us also. He has made it clear in His Word what is good and right concerning every aspect of what to do and how to live. But, just like people of Israel, the flesh wants what the flesh wants.


Sadly, after of the tragedies that befallen Israel, through the time of the Judges (Samson being the last) Samuel had led the people back to God. He had even led them with prayer and worship to fight the Philistines and Israel was victorious.

Saul is what they want and Saul is what they get. Sadly Saul will begin to collapse under the weight of leadership. God does not call everyone to be the chief. Saul just simply did not desire to do things the way God wanted. He reigned 40 years but his story and his kingship was marred by his disobedience.

This tragedy will end with Saul and 3 of his sons being killed by the Philistines.