Elijah #5

The maintenance team we put together began working on the upstairs career dorm since Lee will move 18 boys into Alex’s dorm with Alex only moving 6 boys to the university dorm. So it is juggling time.

Ezdras & Candida will move into the transition dorm. We are looking at other changes.

The women in the Bible study group went to dinner together celebrating birthdays.

Cindy, dialysis, in her quinceanera's dress
Cindy, dialysis, in her quinceanera’s dress.

Elijah goes from the mountaintop to the depths of depression. How does that happen to us?

First, there is fear. I Kings 19:3. Although he had defeated 450 false priests and showed that God was with him he feared the words of one woman. Jezebel threatened him and he forgot what God had just done. Nearly 28 years I have seen God work at Casa and I still run to the wilderness at times.

Second, there is failure. When Jezebel threatened him he forgot who he was. He was a victorious man of God but he saw himself as a failure when he ran from her. Once we develop a negative opinion of ourselves we are headed for destruction.

Third, he was fatigued. Spiritual battles tear away our strength. There is an absolute truth that fatigue follows victories. Physically when you fight a spiritual battle with prayer and fasting your body weakens. That was hen Jesus was attack—He fasted 40 days. That weakens us.

Fourth, there is futility. IN I Kings 19:10 he says, “I am the only one left” yet there were many more prophets of God living in Israel. I know when I am fighting depression or heaviness I feel so isolated.

He rested, he ate and he went forward.