Elijah #6

Seven months ago Brandi’s father passed away. Yesterday he brother’s father-in-law also passed away. My sister, Virginia, lost her husband a number of years ago & yesterday her brother-in-law passed away.

My phone is not working. My Email and WhatsApt are working.

Dottie had her lazer surgery today. Went well. Pray for the above families as well as Dottie please.

We will be changing dorm parents with Alex & Sara moving to Esperanza down and Esvin & Flor moving to Buen Pastor. Alex has so many responsibilities in the office now.

Jacob & Ana Ruth, both who have been here since childhood, no longer work at Casa since they both work elsewhere now that they are married. Their siblings are still here.

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Ezdras preaching                              Freddie & Iris came Sunday to dedicate their son.

After he eats, rests and is touched by an angel Elijah arises and God does the following. You can read it in I Kings 19.

He speaks to Elijah in a still, small voice. God needs us to separate from the activities around us and listen. For 27 years I have been too much of a doer and not listened for the small voice.

  1. God gives him a companion. He gives him a friend and fellow warrior/prophet named Elisha. It is so difficult to walk the Christian life and warfare when you feel alone. So many men and women are stepping up both here in Guatemala as well as the USA who were there all along but I was too blind to see. I was carrying everything when I should have been sharing the burden with those who loved me.
  2. He is given a new task by God. He will anoint two kings who will put an end to the evil rule of Ahab and Jezebel. I am now anointing others to share the load. I know I did it physically a year ago but mentally I was still carrying it.
  3. Finally, God reveals to Elijah there are 7000 other prophets in Israel. He was not the only one.

God does not get angry at our depression. He is kind and loving and says. “When you are rested I will be with you. I am not through with you.”

Enoch and Elijah are the only two men who went to heaven without dying.