Elisha #1

This morning we had a celebration of the school year and the receiving of the report cards. Then Sebastian and I announced the changing of dorm parents. There are still two more dorms where we will have to place couples. Sadly there are no American couples ready to come yet.

Sebastian gave me the list of 72 employees we have to pay the double salaries for. I know God is faithful to provide that money.

My sister, Charlotte, fell and is in the hospital.

Younger children celebrating the end of school
Vencedores celebrating the end of school


Elijah was ready to go home to God. Today I just want to share of how still another example of transition takes place then I will write only about Elisha.

Elisha will ask for a double portion. Elijah answers that he is asking a hard thing. But God wants you and I to ask for the impossible. Elijah was a fireball. But Elisha will be gentle. He will minister to the people whereas Elijah had ministered to the evil leaders of Israel.

Here is another example of what God has called me to do and that is the transition of power to those God has called to step into my shoes. Like Elijah I have not always been gentile and kind and calm. Those I see behind me are all more in the mold of Elisha in that they are gentile. There is one exception but that will change in time.

You and I should ask for more of the Spirit of faith; the Spirit of courage and the Spirit of obedience than those who walked before us. The world is evil but it has always been evil. Sin is sin and what we see today I what God has had to look upon for generations.

There is no more sin today than there was during the times of Noah or Sodom or the Herods, Hitlers, Stalins and todays despots. Sin is always with us and until Jesus returns we will always be the salt and the light in a sinful, evil world.

Ask God for more and more courage, faith and obedience and make a difference where you are.