Solomon #3

We are sorry about sponsor letters. Our Internet system is haywire & we cannot download the data for letters. We will do it soon. So sorry!

We have a great visitor’s team set up composed of Adam, Alex, Bob, Brandi, Gretchen, Josue’, Oscar and Lee & Candy.

Gladys has gotten the shoes, bathing suits & today Dottie get the dresses for the quinceaneras.

We are sad that Pastor cannot come to Casa this year.

We are sad that Pastor cannot come to Casa this year.

The Lion and Tribe of Judah
The Lion and Tribe of Judah

1. Our prayer should be – “Help me Lord to not only start the race, but finish it well. Help me not to compromise my faith and love for you. Instead keep me close to the cross and the Christ who died for me there” (Ron Hembree)
2. Solomon’s problem was not ignorance but downright rebellion. He knew better but did not do better. We are all guilty of doing things that compromise our walk with God. I have taught as well as heard hundreds of sermons (I listen to 3 a day) yet I fail miserably in obedience. Knowledge is not he problem. Obedience is.
3. The only thing that matters is not success and prosperity but God! – Eccl.12:13-14. A friend was telling me of someone he knows that has $400,000,000 and yet he, himself, says he is unhappy with his life and feels little satisfaction with his accomplishments.

4. Money can’t buy you love – nor a place in Heaven either – Luke 12:15  Isn’t it amazing how many “famous” people whether politicians, actors, etc just jump from relationship to relationship seeking love. True love is in Christ and a home with Christ is a happy home.
5. Seek ye first the kingdom – Matt.6:33 Give your Heart to Jesus Christ & His Church. Solomon began his walk with God by asking God for wisdom and did not mention “things”. He began with a heart for God yet collapsed when his lusts for power, prestige, wealth and women overtook him.  No matter how wise we are if we forget to keep looking at Jesus Satan will overtake us.