We arrived at the hotel with the 16 quinceaneras about 1pm. After a quick tour they took off for th swimming pool. I think putting a pool in at Casa would save me a lot of money in the future.
Dr. Hines is arriving Tuesday with a general practioner, a surgeon and himself to host a few days of medical exams. Our new pediatrician begins tomorrow for only two days a week and then full time in January.

I will make this the final thoughts on Esther. There are two phrases used in the Book of Esther that have been passed down for centuries and mean as much today as they did then. Mordecai told Esther that “she was prepared for such a time as this” and Esther later would say “If I perish, I perish but I am going to see the king”.
You and I are on this earth for such a time as this. Christians are here for a reason. We are the salt that gives the world a taste for Jesus and we are the light in which others can see Christ. You and I are to pray. To fail to do so is to waste the life God has blessed you with.
Also if we perish for our faith we will perish but we will make a difference. Your life is an instrument in the hands of a mighty Heavenly Father. No Christian is insignificant.