Obadiah #4

Josue waited 7 hours in the Guatemala airport so he arrived late to Atlanta; arrived in Jacksonville at 1am. They arose early to drive to Macon, Ga. So he is petty tired.

A group of medical personnel from Bridge of Life in Denver stopped to access our needs in the dialysis unit.

Kaizer will not go to Ronald MacDonald House. He will come here December 26th. He called me from the hospital & said, “I can drink lots of water”.  Made my day!!!

We are going to visit Jim (Dottie’s brother) & Linda January 18-24, 2017. Dottie’s Christmas gift!

Balloon day
Balloon day

Does God have enemies? Yes! Those who come against His people are His enemies. We have seen how Edom hated Israel and we know that in the day we live there are those who hate Israel as well as Christians who also are the people of God.

Christians all over the world are being persecuted. A 17-year-old girl in North Korea was killed by her father for becoming a Christian. A pastor in India was beaten, stripped naked and paraded through the streets.

We ask, “Where is God?” Obadiah tells us where God is.

He sees what is happening to his children. Ten times he says “In the day” meaning that daily He sees what is happening to His children.

The fact that Edom hated the Israelites indicates that God is so angry that the descendants of Esau would hate their own brother. Can you image someone breaking into your home and stealing all you have and when the police find the guilty person it is your own blood brother? This is what is going on with Edom. It hurts to be attacked but it hurts worse to be attacked by your own family. How do we treat our own families.

“Violence” against your family in verses 10-14 is the word HAMAS. Today that is a terrorist group aiming to destroy Israel and the USA.

God says that shame will come upon Edom. Shame is public humiliation and one day that public humiliation will fall on all of the enemies of God and His people.