Obadiah #5

Dottie took Marlin Estefany to get her dress as well as the clothes for bridesmaids & groomsmen. The civil wedding will be here at Casa on Saturday with the church wedding one week later.

With needing dorm parents we also are in need of drivers. Court sessions, medical appointments as well as psychological visits we truly need 2 drivers minimum per day.

Gladys bought all the dresses for the girls for Christmas. She has removed such a load from us.

Today we paid the last of the extra salaries making it 28 years in a row God has finished in the black at Casa, We owe no man anything except to love him.

The Maker of heaven and earth

But the day of triumph is for Jacob (verses 17, 18):                                                                                                But in Mount Zion there shall be those that escape                                                                                       [Mount Zion is Jerusalem, or Jacob], and it shall be holy;                                                                                         and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions.                                                                               The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble;           they shall burn them and consume them, and there shall be no survivor to the house of Esau;                             for the LORD has spoken. (Obadiah 1:17-18 RSV)

Now the theme of Obadiah changes from the judgment of Edom to the promises to Israel. From here to the end of the book Obadiah speaks the future restoration and blessing of Israel.

V17 A time will come when Israel will possess and enjoy her possessions. God will keep all of His covenants. And v21 says that Israel will be ruled by divinely appointed leaders(no elections).Obadiah #5