Good Government Report

Our passports are near expiration, so Estella has a lawyer helping us.

I pray every day for children to receive Christ because I believe that is the real reason they come to Casa.

We got the report following the CNA inspection and it was excellent. It was so good it actually was the best inspection we ever had from the government.

Keyser is so sick but is here on campus. He needs a miracle.

I pray for Keyser and others who are ill.

Psalm 147:3 ¨He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.¨ Proverbs 17:22 ¨A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries ip the bones.¨ I love to hear the joy in the voices of the children as they play. Healing is taking place!

Delmy and daaughter came to church today