Two young teens
The kids got off to college and it was a 13-hour day so they came back exhausted with some feeling good about their classes and others feeling shook up.
We probably need to use a second bus as we have so many college students.
The weather is so dry that dust is getting into everything.
Dottie and I have started doing geriatric exercises and it is helping. After only 4 days both of us are feeling much better physically.
Dottie and I celebrated our 35th year in Guatemala with egg omelets. You cannot get the farm out of us. Down to earth.
Two teenage girls came to my room and asked Christ into their hearts. So this is a great day!
Matthew 13:44 says that the truest, purest joy flows from a discovery of of Jesus Christ. He is the hidden treasure that gives such joy to the finder. Jesus is our joy and happiness, even as He is our peace. Seek Him, seek His face, and all other things shall be added unto you.