Dottie is doing a little better. She can walk with her walker without me helping although I stay right behind her.
Rex had a birthday party for his sponsored child and included all the girls in the dorm.
Jeff and I had a wonderful conversation about his and Mary Beth’s life as missionaries in Mexico.
Rex had an ice cream party for Estrellita’s girls and later a pizza party for the older girls.
Dr. Miguel came and removed the stiches from Dottie’s back.
Benjamin came to Casa many years ago and had an empty eye socket. We were able to get him a false eye so his self-esteem skyrocketed and he went to cooking school. For the last 7 years has been a chef in a restaurant in Guatemala City. He came today and it was such a blessing to see him. He is such a great guy and so grateful.
The only handicap in life is a bad attitude. Helen Keller said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement . Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”.