
Board member, Ted, arrived with his wife, Lori. He will stay 2 weeks while she will be here for one.

Dottie continues to improve. We are searching for a physical therapist. Dottie walked around the living room twice so it is little by little.

My life seemingly has always been focused on children. In high school I cared for my siblings when my Dad worked offshore and my mom worked for a physician.

I studied childhood education in college getting degrees of bachelor, master and even a doctorate.

I worked at an institution for retarded children.

I built two churches and 2 schools before coming to Guatemala for the last 36 years.

I have always believed that children are a blessing from the Lord.  

As Christian parents, the Bible should be our main source of inspiration in how to correct our kids and guide them in righteous living.

Get your parenting advice from God’s Word. For me it is only in God’s presence and grace that will make me a joyful and patient parent.

Pray as though everything depends on God. Osteen said, “When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure you are always blessed in abundance.”

Jeremy brought a team by to visit and Scott brought two men just for one night.

Tradition of Corn Day