Eduardo is so ill

I want to thank you for your response in helping us honor the 15-year-old girls. Every offering will help us to provide a special time as they celebrate their quinceanera.  

Eduardo is in ICU and on oxygen as he continues to fight the battle with his kidneys. He has suffered so long.

We ordered a back brace for Dottie to help her stand up straight. I want to tell you that this 81-year-old woman is something else. I am so proud of how she is handling the adversity.

If you want to find happiness, find gratitude. If you were the only person on earth who believes God He still would have died for you.

We were blessed to have a visit from Jacob and Ana Ruth and their children. It is such a blessing to have children who were raised here return to visit. Such good memories. They were so encouraging. We needed that.

Say goodbye to the day of the corn