My prayer partners
Jerry, Scott, Chuck and I had our regular Monday morning prayer time, and you cannot imagine how wonderful it is to pray for our families and our needs together.
Dottie’s surgery is scheduled for Thursday.
Living in Guatemala gives me a big disconnect from family and friends, but these three men lift me up to the Lord and I begin the week refreshed and full of hope.
I gave my testimony to the Wisconsin and Maryland teams.
Although we do very little construction it is such a blessing for teams to come and pour their lives into the lives of our children. You will never realize the impact your visit has on the children and staff.
True friends are always together in Spirit. The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.
Sadly, at my age I have lost so many friends over the years but am anxious to see them again in heaven.
One team played bingo and did crafts with the dialysis children. Wisconsin team had a yoga lesson with some dorms.