Our grandchildren left

Dottie had a rough night as when i took her to the rest room one foot would not move. We are blessed that she is cleared for surgery, and she is so anxious to have it done.
So many people have texted us that they are praying and some even said they were fasting for Dottie. We have excellent physicians but more than that we have the prayers of the saints and so many people who love Dottie praying for her.
Friday the electricity was off for hours throughout Guatemala. What a blessing to have a generator so we can have water from the well, be able to cook and have all services such as social services, school, laundry and kitchen functioning.
Our schoolteachers played a soccer game against another school in San Lucas and we won. Our own Olympics!
Tanya and our 5 grandchildren left this morning.
The Faile team had a carnival for the baby dorm and then painted t-shirts for cometas.