Activities Galore
The graduates and the quinceaneras were treated Friday evening to meals and a fun time with the Americans.
Tim’s group had devotionals Saturday morning with Estrellitas and Cometas followed by devotionals with Esperanza followed by devotionals with Doncellas followed by devotionals with Buen Pastor and Vencedores. That was a full day of ministry.
The male graduates also had an evening meal with one group of Americans. And pizza flowed like a river in many dorms.
It was a great graduation followed by so much USA love.
The 10, 11 and 12 year old girls came to visit Dottie and they prayed one by one for her with the sweetest prayers ever prayed over a mother.
The American woman taken to the hospital unresponsive woke up within 2 hours. She spent the night in the hospital but woke up with a great joyful attitude.
Scott and Linda came from Alabama for a visit with Dottie. Scott is one of the four of us who have a conference call on Mondays to pray.