Major Decision
There is always an excitement during the week as the children are anticipating all the activities on Friday. The teachers and staff are preparing all if the paperwork for the graduates and all the dresses for the girls and even trying to locate suits for the boys who will be escorting the girls.
Josue was able to get a professional soccer player from South America to come spend an afternoon with our older kids and they loved playing with him. Hopefully he will come again.
We made a major even life changing decision. Next school year our high school will close, and we will send the students to San Bartolome to study. This will give them a more social and diverse education.
Brother Teddie, a very old friend from Alabama, came to visit Dottie. He was in Guatemala to preach at a pastor’s confarence. We have been friends over 20 years as he began a ministry here years ago and his daughter operates it. It is proof that LSU and Alabama can be friends.