We do not have a seamstress on property but Tammy who is an America missionary here in Guatemala called and told me that she had seamstresses and would love to help. So that is an answer to prayer.
One theme that I have ministered on throughout my 35 years in Guatemala is “Who we are in Christ.” The three themes are acceptance, security and purpose.
When we accept Christ as Savior He accepts us as His child. That gives us the security to know where we are going after death and removes all fear. It relives us to fulfill our purpose for which we were created.
Orlando and Tony helped me to sort through literally thousands of pieces of paper to determine what we could keep and what should be burned. There is paperwork from 1990 so it was a major chore.
Be the living expression of kindness, kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes and kindness in your smile.
I have not seen anyone suffer as much as Dottie who has such a wonderful smile, attitude and appreciation for those attending to her.