A Beautiful Lawyer
Roxanna came by on her way to the university to receive her diploma as a lawyer. She came here as a young girl and is one of those children who was obedient, studious and loved the Lord.
Upon entering college, she met a wonderful Christian young man. They would marry, have a child but she continued to go to law school. The fruit of her labor came true Thursday as she received her degree.
Dottie gave blood today as next week she will meet with the neurologist again.
I have a dear pastor friend who has been suffering physically and the physicians cannot find the cause. Pray they will have wisdom, and the illness will leave his body.
We lit the Christmas tree, and the children had each written 3 things that they were grateful for. The #1item the children wrote was their own parents and secondly was Dottie and me. I am blessed that they love their families because this indicates a desire to reunite with the parents someday.
Ephesians 6:1-4 ¨Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother that it may go well with you. ¨
Josue read the Christmas story and then I shared from Creation to the Holy Spirit. We then lit the tree and sang Christmas carols. Followed by prayer! It was a precious time.

Roxana the beautiful lawyer.