Healthier Days
The nutritionist was unable to get here due to the weather.
Tropical storm Sara dropped huge amounts of rain in Honduras and is expected to hit over night in Guatemala.
Today I preached on the character of God. This is one of my most favorites’ areas of who God is.
Even though I have wonderful young people helping me with Dottie yesterday was a very difficult day. I returned from Paoquil and Dottie needed my attention. She is an incredible patient. Her attitude is amazing for someone in such a dire situation medically. When the water accumulates in her feet and legs it is so painful and requires hand massage to move the liquid up her leg she never complains. It hurts her enough to cause her to cry.
People will not have time for you if you are always complaining. If you don´t like something change it. If you can´t change it, change your attitude. Do not complain.
This is Sunday at 2:30 pm when I am typing this and there was a huge wrek in front of our house as a bus just flipped a car.

Healthier days last Christmas