Messed up again

I posted on uncategorized rather than my blog yesterday. So sorry. I am repeating yesterday´s post as well as todays. I am not bragging but I can forget what I am doing while I am doing it.

 9th:  We are blessed to now have 130 families with 225 family members praying and fasting for Dottie´s health. The West Virginia team had ice cream and hot dogs for the children. Dottie has been having less pain although other symptoms are still manifesting. She continues to have the sweetest attitude. Ephesians 4:3 ¨Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. ¨ God tells us to encourage one another and build each other up.

10th: Dottie has been feeling a little better although she cannot stand, walk, turn over in bed or think very clearly. In fact, she could not move her left leg at all. But she is incredible in joyful attitude.

With the election behind us I hope that people will begin to treat one another with respect.

We need to remember we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and need to manifest forgiveness, mercy, kindness and above all the Love of God.

With Dottie´s health as it is we need to be making life-changing decision about the future. Pray that we will hear God´s Word.

The team had lunch for the dialysis dorm and supper with university dorm.

My pocket was empty but the team that left today had taken a special offering without my knowledge and got me over the hump. He is never late.